Hartman and Hartman, a leading name in the construction industry, is thrilled to share that we have achieved a remarkable safety milestone. For three years, the company has had no recordable injuries, and the Total Recordable Injury Rate (TRIR) has

Joe Cruny, a Hartman & Hartman employee, made an outstanding catch inside a customer’s Compressor Building when Joe’s gas monitor detected flammable natural gas being released from a new compressor unit.  Had it not been caught in time; the Compressor unit

Hartman and Hartman Construction completed a DEHY Station and was recognized for excellence in working safely during the three-month project. Hartman and Hartman Construction has worked over 1 Million man-hours without incident and continues to emphasize that “Safety is #1

Hartman & Hartman, Inc. would like to take a moment to congratulate our amazing field personnel on a phenomenal 2019 with Zero Recordable Incidents. Careful & consistent attention to safety ensured that our teams went home the same way they
